We introduce ourselves:
Dokimion Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, the tax consultancy company from Wetzlar
Since state-like structures exist, also taxes exist! It still runs like a thread through history, and it is unlikely that this will change in the future. Today, as then, people and companies face a jungle of duties that they themselves
often can barely understand. That is why Dokimion Steuerberatungsgesellschaft supports you in all tax matters and ensures that you tap the full potential without neglecting your personal and professional circumstances. After all, what is
the use of the best tax planning and optimization if it is difficult or impossible to be implemented and if it runs counter to your personal or operational needs?
Special challenges await you if you are a German resident individual or company being active in business not only in Germany but also abroad. The same applies if you work as a foreign-based individual or company being active in business
in Germany. In such cases, you are involved in international tax law and have to deal with tax laws and tax administrations in several countries. Their assessments are often different. It is important that you choose a tax structure that
is optimized taking into account the tax aspects in all countries concerned.
Cross-border activities require an experienced tax advisor with knowledge and experience in the international tax environment. Jürgen Lauber-Nöll is a certified specialist consultant for international tax law and has many years of experience in large international companies as well as in the international tax business of the big international accounting firms ("Big Four"). In his practical professional activity, Jürgen Lauber-Nöll also knows the challenges of medium-sized companies in the international sector. More and more medium-sized companies have to deal with cross-border tax issues!
In addition, Jürgen Lauber-Nöll has extensive experience in the areas of acquisition, sale and restructuring of companies (M&A), in the preparation of tax expert opinions, in judicial and extrajudicial legal remedies and in the area of succession planning and donations/gifts. Of course, the ongoing tax advice (preparation of annual financial statements and tax returns as well as support during tax audits) is also part of Jürgen’s business.
Benefit from many years of professional experience, countless clients and the extraordinary commitment to each individual client!
Discover the variety
of our service offerings
International Taxation
Already German national tax law is complicated. But if you work across borders, you are dealing with the tax laws of different countries. Despite some efforts, the tax laws of the individual countries are often very different. Some ideas that are good from a tax law perspective in one country can lead to serious tax disadvantages in the other. You can quickly make wrong - and expensive - decisions.
Dokimion Steuerberatungsgesellschaft supports you in the coordinated tax planning under consideration of several jurisdictions, in case of questions in the area of transfer pricing as well as in case of questions with regard to the German CFC law and double taxation treaties.
Business acquisitions
Sometimes, the growth of your own business cannot be increased from existing resources. Further growth requires additional acquisition of other enterprises. There are many details that need to be considered in order not to experience any unpleasant surprises later. Dokimion Steuerberatungsgesellschaft assists you in a smooth sale and forms the link between buyer and seller.
Business sales
You invest a lot of sweat and blood in your own business. However, the time may come when it's time to say goodbye to parts or to the whole business. There are many special features to consider in order to avoid tax disadvantages or disputes with the purchaser. Dokimion Steuerberatungsgesellschaft supports you in the planning of the succession of businesses and in the sale and transfer of businesses.
Life is not static but subject to many changes. This also applies to businesses. The legal form, which was still optimal when the company was founded, no longer fits under changed internal and external conditions. There are major business risks that may make it advisable to hold the most valuable assets of a company in a separate legal entity and lease them to the operating company. It may be better if individual areas of the company are outsourced to own subsidiaries. But there is not only tax law. Rather, many non-tax issues need to be considered in such restructurings.
Tax optimization and feasibility or optimization in other business aspects belong together. The overall picture has to be right. With Jürgen Lauber-Nöll, you have an experienced expert by your side, who takes into consideration these important non-tax points in tax optimization.
Preparation of tax expert opinions
Sometimes you have to deal with difficult and complex tax issues, where intensive research and a sound tax assessment are necessary. You have a tax adviser who takes care of the ongoing tax service. But you would like to get a second opinion, or you would like to get to the bottom of tax issues comprehensively. Then you are right with Certified Tax Adviser Jürgen Lauber-Nöll. Through his education and his former activity with the tax authorities (Hessian tax offices and the Regional Tax Office in Frankfurt am Main) he has the experience on which points the tax administration pays particular attention.
Inheritance tax and gift tax
The time and the circumstances of the death of a descendant and can hardly be planned! But the tax consequences can be influenced! A timely donation of assets to the children can avoid or at least reduce the burden of inheritance or gift tax. Also, the matrimonial property regime, the regulations in wills as well as the individual formulations in donation contracts or inheritance contracts can have considerable effects! Be supported by the Dokimion Steuerberatungsgesellschaft!
Tax compliance (tax returns, financial statements and tax audits)
Nobody can avoid preparing and submitting tax returns on a regular basis. Companies have to complete annual financial statements. The tax authorities and the social security institutions carry out tax audits in which they carefully investigate the tax or social security treatment of facts. Here, Dokimion Steuerberatungsgesellschaft supports you, too.
News from tax law
Learn about the latest
news in tax law
Tax law is as fast-paced as today's exchange of information. That's why you always need to be up to date to adapt quickly to the ever-changing legislation. We inform you about the most important news in tax law.
[News, directions, questions, imprint, copyright, data protection, disclaimer, references to the consumer dispute resolution law as in on the current website]
- Tax News of Stotax First (German),
- Tax News of DATEV (German), and
- Tax information by the German Federal Ministry of Finance (English)

Contact me
In case of any further questions or requests, please do not hesitate to contact me.
You would like to receive more information on inidividual services or you have any questions thereto? You can contact me by the following contact options:
Dokimion Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Ohlacker 25
D-35581 Wetzlar
Phone: +49 (0)6441 448 4714
Fax: +49 (0)6441 782 107
Cell phone: +49 (0)151 6151 1472
E-Mail: info@dokimion.eu
Responsible for this
internet presence:
Dokimion Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Ohlacker 25
D-35581 Wetzlar
Phone: +49 (0)6441 448 4714
Fax: +49 (0)6441 782 107
Cell phone: +49 (0)151 6151 1472
E-Mail: info@dokimion.eu
VAT ID No.: DE815121410
Local court: Wetzlar HRB 5882
Registered capital: EUR 100
Managing director, authorized with the power of sole representation:
Jürgen Lauber-Nöll,
Certified Tax Adviser, Certified Adviser for International Taxation
Professional association:
Steuerberaterkammer Hessen, K.d.Ö.R.,
Bleichstrasse 1, 60313 Frankfurt am Main,
Phone: +49 (0) 69 153002-0
E-Mail: geschaeftsstelle@stbk-hessen.de
Web: www.stbk-hessen.de
Country of admission: Deutschland
Regulations according to professional law of practice:
• Steuerberatungsgesetz (StBerG)
• Durchführungsverordnung zum Steuerberatungsgesetz (DVStB)
• Berufsordnung der Bundessteuerberaterkammer (BOStB)
• Steuerberatervergütungserordnung (StBVV)
Die aktuellen Gesetzestexte sind (auch) auf den Internetseiten der Bundessteuerberaterkammer unter www.bstbk.de abrufbar.
• Telemediengesetz (TMG) - Internet
• Rundfunkstaatsvertrag (RStV) - Internet
Professional liability insurance company:
Versicherungsgemeinschaft für das
wirtschaftliche Prüfungs- und Treuhandwesen
- Versicherungsstelle Wiesbaden -
Dotzheimer Straße 23
D-65185 Wiesbaden
E-Mail: info@versicherungsstelle-wiesbaden.de
Web: www.versicherungsstelle-wiesbaden.de
Policy territory of this liability insurance:
Liability claims enforced at courts of the subsequent countries:
• Germany
• European countries outside Germany
• Turkey
• States on the territory of the former Soviet Union
• Other countries, insofar as the contract is based solely on German law, however, limited to the minimum insurance sum of EUR 250,000 and to the provision of professional services in tax affairs, i.e., without the other services which,
in principle, are allowed for a Certified Tax Adviser
Responsible according to Sec. 5 TMG:
Jürgen Lauber-Nöll
Ohlacker 25
D-35581 Wetzlar
Responsible for the content according to Sec. 55 paragraph 2 RStV:
Graduated financial consultant (University of Applied Science)
Jürgen Lauber-Nöll
Certified Tax Adviser, Certified Adviser for International Taxation
Ohlacker 25
D-35581 Wetzlar
Photo credits:
© sdecoret (Flying earth network interface activated by businessman) - fotolia.com
Design and production:
dsa Marketing AG
Im Lipperfeld 22a – 24
46047 Oberhausen
Phone.: 0208 / 97 07 0
Fax: 0208 / 97 07 137
E-Mail: info@dsa-marketing.ag
Web: www.dsa-marketing.ag
Exclusion from liability for content and external links
The contents of our pages have been created with the utmost care. However, the provider does not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the provided contents. The utilisation of the contents of
the website is at your own risk. Articles designated by name represent the opinion of the author and not always the opinion of the provider. By the pure use of the provider's website, no contractual relationship between the user
and the provider is concluded.
As service provider, according to Sec. 6, para. 1 MDStV and Sec. 8, para. 1 TDG, we are responsible for own contents on these pages under the general applicable laws. Service providers, however, are not obliged to monitor or
supervise the transmitted or stored foreign information or to research for any circumstances which point to an illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to the general laws remain
unaffected. A liability is only possible from the date of knowledge of a concrete infringement. When suitable law breakings become known to us, we will immediately remove these contents.
The author, Dokimion Steuerberatungsgesellschaft UG (haftungsbeschränkt), expressly declares that the linked pages were free of illegal content at the time the link was created. The author has no influence whatsoever on the
current and future design and contents of the linked / associated pages. He therefore expressly distances himself from all contents of all linked / connected pages that were changed after the link setting.
Dokimion Steuerberatungsgesellschaft UG (haftungsbeschränkt) in no case accepts to be held responsible for damages caused by use or non-use of information provided on websites to which this website refers to by cross-references or
Notes to the Consumer Dispute Settlement Act (VSBG)
The company has less than ten employees and this limit has not been exceeded at any time in the past.
Therefore, there is no general obligation to provide information pursuant to section 36 of the VSBG (§ 36 para. 3 VSBG).
There is NO willingness to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbritation agency under the VSBG.
The corresponding legal provisions can be found on the following websites:
§ 36 VSBG: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/vsbg/__36.html
§ 37 VSBG: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/vsbg/__37.html
Das VSBG insgesamt: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/vsbg/